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“Christmas Village”
In partnership with the Greek Catholic Church of our Lady of Annunciation for the duration of 3 days in the Christmas Village in...

"Khillat Al-Nahla Community" On the Ground Activity
August 2021 The Palestinian national movement of Taghyeer (Change), the Ministry of the Wall and Settlements and in partnership with Holy...

Summer Camp in Jub al Deib
Taghyeer Movement organised a Summer Camp in the village of women-led Jub Al Deib. 70 kids from different communities participated in the...

Plant the Change
After the founding of Tagyheer movement in 2016, Taghyeer team visited different communities throughout the Westbank to introduce the...

Social Action in Al Majd Village
In cooperation with Al Majd local village council in Dura city, Taghyeer movement, Future Youth Arms Forum, and Taghyeer Shyookh women...

Nablus Women Activist Group
Since 2017, Taghyeer has been working in Nablus with an activists group formed by a woman community leader, Neda' Kharraz, who is now...

Susya Elementary School Painting
Taghyeer Movement, in support of our MoC Fatma Nawajaa, held an activity in Susya in the occupied South Hebron Hills in Area C of the...

Nonviolence Center in Twani Village
Taghyeer, in coordination with Youth Of Sumud, has started constructing the Nonviolence Center in Twani in South Hebron Hills in November...

Al-Makhrour Nonviolence Action
Following our strategic actions on the ground, Taghyeer has started a process in Al-Makhrour area/ west of Bethlehem governorate in area...

Agricultural Project in South Hebron Hills
Like in many places around the world, COVID-19 has many negative economic implications in Palestine. Palestinians living in remote areas...

Olive Harvest Initiatives
The Olive Tree is the ancient living symbol of Palestinian connection to the land. The trees themselves are precious to Palestinian...

Beautification of Nablus’ Central Park Activity
As a result of the women photography workshop that was held for different Taghyeer women groups, the group in Nablus initiated the Nablus...

Nonviolence on National Land Day
Land Day, a day of commemoration of a day in 1976 when the Israeli government announced to expropriate thousands of dunams of Palestinian...

The Development of Jub Al Dib’s village
Jubbet Al Dhib is located southeast of Bethlehem, surrounded by three settlements isolating villagers from their Area C Palestinian...
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