Taghyeer identified 20 communities across the West Bank that are seriously struggling for food security during the crisis of COVID-19. This is due to deteriorated economic conditions as many people have lost their jobs. In addition, a large number of people from these communities depend on daily income that they no longer receive, such as Palestinian workers who previously lived and worked in Israel and are no longer able to do so. Taghyeer sees this food emergency as a priority concern. Our experience so far in COVID-19 relief made us capable of addressing it right away.
Our partners B8 of Hope in Switzerland and the Friends of Taghyeer Movement in the US, as well as our generous supporters, have succeeded to raise funds in a timely fashion. We received the donations on the 30th of April and directly started implementing the project through our activists who have access to communities in a way that allowed food supplies to be delivered effectively. After Taghyeer set up a system to procure and receive quantities of food parcels, the distribution process started immediately.
Taghyeer has successfully completed delivering food parcels to over 500 families across the West Bank. The number of beneficiaries is approximately 2,500 people. The table below outlines the communities and the number of food parcels that each community has received: