Jubbet Al Dhib is located southeast of Bethlehem, surrounded by three settlements isolating villagers from their Area C Palestinian neighbors, and depriving the village of access to basic services. The Women’s Association of Jubbet ad-
Dhib organized this threatened village to overcome the lack of access to water, electricity, education, and basic needs. Since 2017, backed up by a Taghyeer-facilitated Palestinian and international support network, this struggle for services has turned the village into a women’s-led hub of nonviolent development in the area. This has resulted in protecting and developing the elementary school, installing a large solar panels system, providing a health clinic, and responding to an ongoing water emergency. For Taghyeer, the village of Jub Al Dhib serves as a model of a nonviolent life.

Among the campaigns in which Taghyeer has helped bring together activists and resources:
1) Cleaning the village
Taghyeer and the Women’s Association launched a beautification and greening campaign. Taghyeer activists from Hebron, Beit Ummar and Ubedeye, with students from Al-Quds University/Bard joined the villagers’ clean-up, placing trash bins in every corner, painting the walls of the houses with various colors, and planting trees along the village entry road.
This built morale among villagers and activists which demonstrates the power of Palestinian cooperative action, and reinforces Taghyeer’s role in supporting the village.
2) Composting
Women of Jubbet ad-Dhib are active participants in the Taghyeer Women’s Leadership group. They took part in several training and learning sessions on agricultural practices. They were able to demonstrate their own ongoing organic practices to international volunteers introduced by Taghyeer. The women were assisted by US and Swiss vermiculture (earthworm) composting experts in developing this practice on the village land.
3) Building a health clinic
A number of delegations, organized by Taghyeer, has visited the village. After hearing the stories of the women who banded together to save the village, actions to overcome village isolation have been increasing. The head of the Women’s Association was elected to become a member of the Palestinian regional villages council, boosting the leverage for development action by this community.
Taghyeer worked hand in hand with the village support network of Hebron International Resource Network (HIRN) and identified the critical need for health services. As a result, J Street U, joined with Am Kolel community of Maryland, US Friends of Taghyeer, B8 of Hope, and HIRN to provide funds to restore a building to become the first permanent health clinic in the village. Now a medical team comes to the village and provides the residents with necessary medical services every Sunday.
4) Building a Guesthouse, Meeting and Volunteer Center:
Taghyeer, HIRN, B8 of Hope, and the growing support network have built a guesthouse in the village. The goal is to bolster the role of the women’s leadership in the community. In addition to housing visiting volunteers, it will serve as a meeting hall and a location for workshops. Additional income from rentals from external guests will support Women Association activities in particular, and the community in general.